How does one adequately capture Mac Forbes in words? We were lucky to have had him visit recently. A lightning quick 24 hour stop between gigs in Montreal and SF. He has presence. A serenely wild energy. Is he a legend? Certainly in the making. What comes to mind though is that he is a beatific shit disturber. He is disarmingly transparent. Unquestionably thoughtful, and thought provoking. There is a timelessness to him. A faraway look in his eyes as he talks about connectedness to place, of the indigenous people of Australia - specifically the Yarra Valley - and their knowledge of the land. Their understanding of place. You can see this idea in Mac’s wines. An ethereal transparency. Almost as though you can see the slopes, rows, and soils through the glass. He speaks of different vineyard sites like children. Of working to understand their individuality. Of each requiring a different approach to allow them to shine. Of striving to let them, and the wines produced from them, have their own voice. Of not stifling them with heavy handed winemaking. The discussion of picking decisions based on structure. On acid profile and tannin texture rather than fruit ripeness hangs heavy on peoples minds. Wheels turning. The wines are tasted. Like Mac’s monologue washing over us his wines fill space, one leading to the next. Each distinct, yet clearly part of the song. Roaring silence. A visceral experience. A smouldering tango of ideas, aromas, flavours. One attendee comments that he wishes he could listen to Mac all day. I am fortunate. I have, and I hope to again. Until then we have his wines. Portals in place and time, beckoning, calling, inviting us to remember. To question. To partake.